Sunday, September 27, 2009


       When working women decide they need to do something about their complexion, not everyone's ready for Botox, lasers or chemical peels. For most, the simpler, gentler investment for their hard-earned money is skin moisturisers, night creams and serums.
       You could have counted me in with that group, but then along came Turbo Bright.
       A young dermatologist at Romrawin clinic in Bangkok explained that the key to this natural treatment is fast-moving micro-droplets of saline sprayed at high pressure directly onto the skin surface.
       Vitamin C or nutritious serums can be introduced to the stream, forced by the jet of current past the outer layers and deep into the epidermis.
       It's high-powered but non-abrasive, and certainly effective-microdermabrasion and mesotheraphy without the needles.
       "It can be used in combination with laser treatment, and leaves you feeling relaxed, with completely rejuvenated skin," the specialist said.
       In the treatment room, I lay down and tucked my hair in a cap as cotton buds were inserted in my ears. I was ready to experience the magic. An easthetician explained that the first step is cleansing, followed by the Turbo Bright.
       The high-velocity jet can be loud, but that means it's hard at work peeling away the superficial layers of the skin to allow deeper penetration for the vitamins.
       Next, the hand-held Turbo Bright device is moved around the face to encourage lymphatic drainage from the neck and side of the face.
       Then it's time to boost skin brightness. The lovely aesthetician carefully moved the device to every facial feature in turn, from forehead to cheek, nose and above the lip and chin, without missing a micro-spot.
       The spray is kept close to the skin but never touches the surface.
       The last step involves spraying on Vitamin C to encourage new cell growth.
       The fluid stream feels powerful without ever giving you the worry that damage is being done. The jet pressure is just right to shear away dead skin, leaving no red-ness afterwards.
       Honestly, it feels a little like going through a car wash, but after an hour I was truly relaxed. I felt I'd been to a spa rather than a dermatologist' clinic. The immediate result was nothing short of stark cleanliness and a visible glow.
       For more information, see or call (02) 655 7511.

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